I was reading an article on Cosmopolitan (the English one this time) called like:
50 things guys wish you knew!
Among the insane list of creepy guy answers I found these two quirky ones:
1- "Making me ask a man for directions is like my telling you to ask another woman for fashion advice."
This one got me confused. I remember this one time when Jason made me ask a girl what to wear to a wedding. In front of her. His reason? "Because she was fashionable". Knife in the gut.
I wonder if it was payback because I made him ask a man for directions sometime.
2 - "It's not a good idea to read into every word I say when we fight. You're probably choosing your words more carefully because you have been upset for weeks and have had time to plan your argument."
Translation: "You're mad, I don't pay attention. You finally explode and I can't come up with anything. Ever."
Male brain (and according to men): apparently not quick enough.
I wonder what kind of men say these things. The other 48 things are even worse. Is this the average American man? Is this the average man?
I know any given Mexican specimen would say: "I wish you knew I just want to dominate you" or "I wish you knew I love it when you have babies"
Now that's scary times.