
This is cool™

But I'm afraid that if I end up buying it, I'll have to be a bike messenger, wear vintage clothes and forever get off on the Damen EL stop. I'll probably never buy it.

Found Porn*

The stunning logos of:
a. The Arlington Pediatric Center
b. The Kudawara Phamacy
c. The Institute for Eastern Studies

What ever happened to that section on Maxim?


Damen and Ebay

This Saturday was party night with Nicole and some of her friends. We went to see this band and it took us an hour to get there... even though it was in Wicker Park and Nicole and I live around Wicker Park. Here are the highlights.

1. I (confidently) saying we parked at Damen and Ebay
2. I wondering if Damen.com was available. (It isn't, I just checked.)
3. Dan No. 2 saying he liked Hermione. And that it was OK because she was 21 years old. She's really 17
4. I saying that there's actually a Hermione St. in Chicago (continuing with my "streets" subject of the night)
5. Ben being 75% [Chocolate] German cake
6. Wait, how can Damen.com be taken?
7. Nicole scoring free beer from "Bar Guy Mike"
8. We went into the boys bathroom because there was a huge line in the girl's one
9. We also saw a guy peeing there
10. And said bathroom smelled like a hamster cage.

Ahhh good times :)

This is cool™

México ochenta y seis, México ochenta y seeeeis!

Me acabo de acordar de esa porra de la que siempre me acuerdo cuando pienso en la palabra "México". La del mundial del 86.

Y tomando en cuenta que pienso en la palabra "México" unas seis veces al día... eso significa que al menos 6 veces al día tengo porras en la cabeza.


What Punctuation Mark Am I?

I am a Question Mark

I seek knowledge and insight in every form possible. [YES] I love learning. [YES TOO]
And while I know a lot, I don't act like a know-it-all [UM...]. I'm open to learning I'm wrong. [COF COF]
I ask a lot of questions, collect a lot of data, and always dig deep to find out more.
I'm naturally curious and inquisitive. I jump to ask a question when the opportunity arises. [YES]

My friends see me as interesting, insightful, and thought provoking, but they're not always up for the intense inquisitions that I love.

I excel in: Higher education

So, what are you then?


Love Fast Cars

My first post on www.heroesvsvillains.com ah, the glory.

Here's again, for the mouse-lazy:

My first Auto Show ever. Good times, we drove an hour and a half just to get there in the middle of a blizzard, and all for the love of cars. And no, it’s not like the “girls like fancy cars” thing; it’s about cars themselves. The craft, if you want to get sentimental about it.

Either way, Chicago Barbie princess or not, there’s no excuse not to go see glossy design on wheels.

My favorite memoirs:

1. The VW Rabbit’s evil rabbit.
2. The super Jeep ride. Very Jurassic Park. No goats. Only raptors.
3. The sexy 40th anniversary blue Shelby (understand, it was my first time).
4. The ultra pimp Cadillac CTS Coupe Concept, which got me wishing rappers wouldn’t take advantage of it in the future.
5. The Saab Aero X Concept. It’s so James Bond from the good days.
6. The pretzels.
7. Jason spelling the “Volvo Safety” sign. S-A-F-E-T-Y in body-font (as in typography) is not as easy as it seems.
8. The I-love-Batman Lexus IS-F by Five Axis in matte black.
9. The very awaited 2009 Dodge Challenger in “crazy pumpkin with gloss” color.

In the end I was really expecting to see the Ferrari kids but there were none. It’s weird how there are Ferraris and Lamborghinis in fancy Mexico but not in the Auto Show. I guess drug Lords really like the sun. And tacos.

So, which cars would be in your Gone-In-60-Seconds list?

More glossy pictures at www.flickr.com/photos/palitodepan/


Winter Randomness

Also, an Ice Garçon here, and the Valentine's Day Wrigley Building.


The Baker

I'm really nice, I consider an artist pretty much anyone who can do anything I can't/admire.
Therefore, I consider baking an art. And bakers, artists.

So as you know, I've been experimenting with many many things lately like snow, horror movies aaand baking so today I spent 3 hours making cookies, brownies, red velvet cake, red velvet muffins and red velvet cupcakes (if they are the same thing, they do not look the same) and here is the result. I also didn't burn anything (not skin, not pans, not cookies) and they taste good. I'm proud.
I'm also posting pics from the Empanadas Adventures and the Enmoladas Adventures. I confess, I'm a little scared, am I a housewife now?

Anyway, tomorrow, the famous Auto Show pics for all the boys. Maybe Friday. It depends on how VDay works out but since Jason just insulted my baking + wrapping abilities, it seems favorable for the Saab Aero X.


El Coro

Ayer tuve un sueño bien raro y me desperte pensando en la secu 10 y en el dia que hicieron las pruebas para elegir al coro de la escuela. Ahi va la historia:

Era mi segundo dia en la secundaria 10 (aka la secu del diablo) y a pesar de haber salido toda nerda de la primaria, NADA me habia preparado para la cuasi escuela militar de Doña Eva Nosequien.

Bueno el caso es que andaba yo con la depresión al máximo y sobre todo con ese sentimiento que me choca... físicamente se siente como si estuviera dando vueltas y vueltas en esos juegos de "las tazas locas" de las kermesses o disneylandia (ahora que andamos con lo gringo), plus una mezcla de nauseas mareadosas y super plus un sentimiento de sentirme chiquita chiquita. Ese mero.

En fin, así me sentia ese dia; el cambio de la primaria relax a la secundaria de Stalin casi me hacía llorar nomás con pensarlo. Eran como las 6:00 am y me negaba a salir de la cama. Mi cuarto estaba en lo que ahora es el "cuarto de estar" en el segundo piso. Así, sin paredes ni nada; era cuando la adolescencia me obligó a pelear por un cuarto para mi sola y me salió con que no había otro porque mis papás no habían pensado en eso todavía.
Como quien dice, mi cuarto estaba en el pasillo. Bien Unión Soviética, pero bueno, ahí estaba y yo sentía que era para mi sola (y para todos los que subieran las escaleras).
Total, que el tiempo seguía pasando y yo ahí tirada fingiendo que me dolía la cabeza y luego la panza y luego la cabeza otra vez. Hasta que mi papá (mi héroe) se sentó al lado de mi cama así bien película, no? De esas de cuando la hija tiene un problema y está en la cama con pijamas de conejitos y todo en el cuarto es color cremita y está una Mac de esas de colores en el fondo y el papá (o la mamá) le dicen "Honey, is everything fine? You know you can talk to me" y la hija después de 10 minutos de decir "Nothing, I just want to be alone" por fin suelta todo y total el papá (o la mamá) le dicen que "Everything is going to be fine, you have to be strong. When I was your age...." y ahhhhh la vida soñada de cada adolescente de The O.C. ....
Bueno, mi papá (mi héroe) sí me dijo algo bonito, pero yo no tenía pijamas de conejitos, mi cuarto no era cremita, era blanco con alfombra roja y no había ninguna Mac sino que toda la tecnología en ese entonces de mi vida se reducía a un teléfono de esos de ruedita (que yo había rayado con "Ester-bruk" para verme más rebelde) y a un radio-cassette amarillo pollo donde escuchaba a Flans... pero bueno, el caso es que Don Felipe se sentó al lado de mi cama y me preguntó que por qué no quería ir a la escuela "ya en serio". A final de cuentas le dije que era porque no me gustaba (y ahi voy como siempre hago y nunca he podido deshacerme de ese hábito que tengo de llorar cuando tengo ganas de llorar) y pos si, empecé a llorar. Como niña, jeje. Mi papá (el héroe) me dijo "okey okey si esta vez te dejo faltar me prometes que mañana y todos los demás días vas a ir?" Ayyyy me sentí como volando, le dije que si si si neta te lo juro que si... Y me dejó faltar. A la escuela del diablo. Si señor!

Al día siguiente me enteré que el día que había faltado habían elegido a los niños y niñas que (forzosamente) iban a estar en el coro de la escuela por los 3 años que estuviéramos ahi. El coro!! Fiuu, que salvación. Me dijeron que el método tipo Inquisición que usaron fue formar a todos los güercos y güercas (y chiquillos y chiquillas) en el patio y decirles que uno por uno cantaran "Las Mañanitas" enfrente del maestro de coro, de las auxiliares... y de 3,000 otros güercos burlones.
El caso es que me salvé. Y los que no lloraron en la mañana y sus papás no les dieron el chance de su vida de faltar a la escuela tuvieron que ir cada sábados por 3 años de 8:00am a 1:00pm a practicar con el coro.

A pesar de acordarme exactamente y con super lujo de detalles de lo que pasó ese día, honestamente no recuerdo que más pasó. Creo que me levanté y vi la tele. Luego comí con mi familia (y evité ver a mi papá en los ojos después de habernos permitido yo tanto aprovechamiento de sus poderes como padre, y él tanto acercamiento tierno con la hija) y los dos fuimos culpables y amigos al mismo tiempo.
Después de eso nunca volví a faltar a la escuela.

Le escribí un e-mail a mi papá (aún mi héroe) pregúntandole si se acordaba. Tal vez me sorprenda si su respuesta es que no porque este episodio guajiro es de esos que siempre me vienen a la mente. No sé bien por qué pero de eso hace ya como 14 años y sigo acordándome como si hubiera sido esta mañana después de mi sueño.

Bright Bright Great

Have you ever had that feeling? A Sunday morning before a long day starts, you open an invoice from your lawyer charging you everything and the minutes he spent talking to you on the phone plus the seconds he spent on Outlook because of you. You turn red, knees tremble and blood rushes.

Cut to...

Have you ever had that OTHER feeling? A Monday morning, what you think is the sweetest and most angelic voice in the world calls from your first client's office to verify the address they're sending you a big fat check.

It's the most bright bright and great feeling in the world.



No post. Serious PMS. Must become a man.


Charts & Graphs- Harvard Hip Hop Study

Too good not to post. For all the nerdy hip-hoppers out there.

This is cool

A new series from your pretty friend at nudosenelpelo :)

This is for all of those fearing their toys will be stolen after the UPS guy leaves a giant package with Hasbro written all over it in their condo lobby jijij wink wink JS*


The Thomas Rob Affair Post

Last Friday I got to see the secret (and most scandalous) love of my life (besides chocolate... oh and bread... oh and cheese. Ok so the forth secret love of my life) in concert.

Call me crazy, call me pop, but I loved it. I went to see Matchbox 20 in concert. [Glass shattering]!!!

So, Rob Thomas' jeans are tight. But not like emo-kid-or-Jared-Leto's-jeans tight, I meant he was wearing a normal pair of jeans with the magnificent difference that his were tight. Like a tiger. Rrrawr. Hahaha

Angela and I spent the whole day in the suburbs to avoid Illinois traffic since the concert was at 9pm so there we are at a Starbucks for 7 hours trying to finish a whole box of chocolates to use it to hide my camera so we could take it into the concert. We succeeded, by the way. In 1 hour.

As an eccentric treat, I also fulfilled a bizarre teenage dream, like 10 years later but still: I saw Alanis Morrisette! (She opened the concert. When did she stop being famous? Oh wait). Anyway, what mostly surprised me about her (besides ???) was how big her thighs are! Seriously, boy were her thighs eye-catching. I couldn't stop staring at them. Am I a lesbian now? Is that how it starts? Will it get worse (or serious) if I go see Melissa Etheridge? Spooky.

Either way we had fun. No after-concert party stories, sorry. We were dressed for the occasion but still, nothing.

And by the occasion I mean the occasion when Rob was going to ask us to join him after for "the band's party".

Aaand you know what party I'm talking about. That where musicians go crazy, ordinary (yet awesome) girls are invited, drugs are introduced and the lead singer confesses to the ordinary girl that he doesn't do that because he is REALLY doing it for the music. (Awww).
The girl (of course) falls for it, gets knocked up and elopes with the rockstar. They then live happily ever after surviving with money from VH1's Band Reunited.

THAT party.

Anyway, the wonderment of the night, amazingly enough, wasn't Mr. Rob Tight-Jeans Thomas, but Angela's comment while listening to "Jagged Little Pill". She was singing so I asked if she knew the song and then without any warning, she came out with the most stupendous thing ever: "Yes, but I thought that was Pink!" Hahahahha

The ugly post-concert outcome: I caught a cold from the yelling and the running in the snow at midnight; and I can't forgive myself from being such a vah-jay-jay and not going backstage-pass hunting. But please understand, I had to go home to the Boyfriendness, he's the one who feeds me chocolate and bread and cheese :)


The Bizarre

I forgot to post this before

I made lasagna for the first time ever. Jason helped, but mostly to prevent me from putting aluminum stuff in the microwave jijij

We found the "Tuesday Morning" store on Lincoln Ave. I wonder if the "Morning After" and the "Good Morning" stores exist too.

Jason and The Giant at Clarke's

The Third New Year

First was the the Jewish New Year, then the "World's New Year"; now it's the Chinese New Year. Party through all.