Last Friday I got to see the secret (and most scandalous) love of my life (besides chocolate... oh and bread... oh and cheese. Ok so the forth secret love of my life) in concert.
Call me crazy, call me pop, but I loved it. I went to see Matchbox 20 in concert. [Glass shattering]!!!
So, Rob Thomas' jeans are tight. But not like emo-kid-or-Jared-Leto's-jeans tight, I meant he was wearing a normal pair of jeans with the magnificent difference that his were tight. Like a tiger. Rrrawr. Hahaha
Angela and I spent the whole day in the suburbs to avoid Illinois traffic since the concert was at 9pm so there we are at a Starbucks for 7 hours trying to finish a whole box of chocolates to use it to hide my camera so we could take it into the concert. We succeeded, by the way. In 1 hour.
As an eccentric treat, I also fulfilled a bizarre teenage dream, like 10 years later but still: I saw Alanis Morrisette! (She opened the concert. When did she stop being famous? Oh wait). Anyway, what mostly surprised me about her (besides ???) was how big her thighs are! Seriously, boy were her thighs eye-catching. I couldn't stop staring at them. Am I a lesbian now? Is that how it starts? Will it get worse (or serious) if I go see Melissa Etheridge? Spooky.
Either way we had fun. No after-concert party stories, sorry. We were dressed for the occasion but still, nothing.
And by the occasion I mean the occasion when Rob was going to ask us to join him after for "the band's party".
Aaand you know what party I'm talking about. That where musicians go crazy, ordinary (yet awesome) girls are invited, drugs are introduced and the lead singer confesses to the ordinary girl that he doesn't do that because he is REALLY doing it for the music. (Awww).
The girl (of course) falls for it, gets knocked up and elopes with the rockstar. They then live happily ever after surviving with money from VH1's Band Reunited.
THAT party.
Anyway, the wonderment of the night, amazingly enough, wasn't Mr. Rob Tight-Jeans Thomas, but Angela's comment while listening to "Jagged Little Pill". She was singing so I asked if she knew the song and then without any warning, she came out with the most stupendous thing ever: "Yes, but I thought that was Pink!" Hahahahha
The ugly post-concert outcome: I caught a cold from the yelling and the running in the snow at midnight; and I can't forgive myself from being such a vah-jay-jay and not going backstage-pass hunting. But please understand, I had to go home to the Boyfriendness, he's the one who feeds me chocolate and bread and cheese :)